Bridge Operator Console for RingCentral User Manual
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Getting Started
The Bridge Operator Console is a powerful tool for your organization's integration with RingCentral. In this manual, we will cover the basic features of this application, as well as some more advanced functionality. We will begin by familiarizing ourselves with the screen.
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The search function for the Company Directory is located in the upper right corner of the screen. Next to this feature you will also find icons with the 'Effects' 'Notifications' 'Pages' 'Settings' 'People' 'Tools' 'Reports' 'Help' drop-down menus. You will also find the 'Sign Out' option. Additional functions are available via these drop-down menus.
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Selecting an Audio Device
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We will begin by selecting our Audio Device. Click the headset icon highlighted in red to open the 'Audio Devices' window. Select your input and output devices from the drop-down menus, and select 'Save Audio Devices'. Once saved, verify the information shown in the 'Audio Devices' window is correct.
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Answering and Managing Calls
Bridge Operator Console for RingCentral makes answering and managing multiple calls simple and intuitive. Our application also supports additional functionality with RingCentral Call Queues.
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Calls currently ringing your device, or calls you have answered will appear in the window to the upper-left of the screen. If there are multiple calls, they will stack in the order received. You can select between calls within this window.
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You can verify the selected call in the 'Selected Conversation' box below. This is also where we will find the 'Answer' 'Hang Up' 'Hold' 'Resume' 'Start Recording' 'Stop Recording' 'Mute' 'Unmute' 'Park' and 'DTMF' functions. Clipboard links to copy the caller's phone number or name are also available.
Calls in Queue
The Calls in Queue section will display a list of calls currently queued with RingCentral Call Queues. Calls will stack in the order they enter Call Queues. You will have visibility into the name of the individual RingCentral Call Queue, the Caller ID #, a timer indicating how long the call has been waiting in Queue, and a pick-up button to answer the call from queue.
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Company Directory
The Company Directory is the primary window within the application. The search function at the bottom-left of the window allows you to search for users within your organization. Additionally, you can select a group to view the users assigned to that group. We will cover groups in more detail in a later section. The Company Directory will display user information such as 'Name' 'Extension' 'Activity' 'Department' 'Title' and 'Type'.
You can also enable our optional Microsoft Integration to display the 'MS Activity' column. Additional information is available with the icons in the column to the left including External Shared Contacts, Microsoft Contacts, Google Contacts, and Call History.
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How to Transfer a Call
Selecting a user from within the Company Directory will open the Contact Card. Our supported Call Control options are 'Transfer' 'Consult Transfer' 'Add to Call' 'Tranfer Mobile' 'Transfer Voicemail' and 'Park Call for User'.
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If a user has additional numbers, we can use the drop down menu to the right of the Call Control window to access these numbers.
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Contact Card
The Contact Card also contains the 'User Information' 'Notes' 'Contact Information' 'Intercom' 'Related People' and 'Call Forwarding' sub-menus. Examples of these sub-menus are shown below. The Contact Card can also display the optional menus 'Custom Fields' 'Microsoft Information' 'User's Schedule' and 'Admin Tools'. Please note, to access the Microsoft Integration within our application you must first authorize our application with Microsoft Services. This will be covered later in the material.
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Parking Lot
Bridge Operator Console is able to display a list of all calls in the general RingCentral Parking Lot. The Parking Lot will display the 'Park Dial' 'Caller ID #' 'Name' 'Parked For' 'Parked By' and 'Time Waiting'. Calls can be retrieved from the Parking Lot by using the pick-up button highlighted in the picture below.
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The Groups section will display lists of users built from user information stored at RingCentral. Our application will read in this user information and automatically create and auto-populate these groups based on a department, title, office location, or call queue members. You can click on a group to display the users associated with that group.
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Queue Activity
The Queue Activity section will display RingCentral Call Queues. You can filter this information in our Settings. We will display the names of individual queues, as well as the current count of calls waiting in each queue. As mentioned earlier in this document, Call in Queue will appear in the lower left of the screen in a list where users are able to view and answer queue calls.
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Enable Microsoft Integration
To enable our optional Microsoft Integration, you will first need to authorize our application. These authorization links are done at an organization level, and can be accessed from our website under the 'RingCentral' drop-down menu. Once completed, you will want to enable the integration in our Settings. Please ensure the integration has been authorized prior to attempting to enable the integration within our application.
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Questions or Support
There are support resources available within the application. From the toolbar at the top of the window, select 'Help'. You will find a link for our Web Chat Support, the option to Open a Trouble Ticket, and Schedule Remote Support. We hope this manual has been informative, please do not hesitate to contact our team if you have any additional questions.
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